Taleen, Rasil, We are Three Siblings, Two sisters and a brother:AbdulMoein. we are originally from Homs city, Syria living in UAE. We study at the same school. We want to let our friends enjoy the same toys we do. We sell the toys at the same price which we buy. We get the toys from a shop next to our house. But our friends ask us to get them the same toys as a help. So we only help our friends nothing more. This is made by our father as a learning tool only for us to start knowing how to manage online shop. We also donate books & stories for free. Take one story and leave one. We just want all to have fun as we do. We named it Bekree. It is a word which has a meaning in our family. It is an Arabic word that we use to mean " May Be". In fact the this word has a different letters order and different pronunciation from the real actual word. But this is what we do, we always change words to fit with our understanding :). We hope you enjoy our service